Tuesday 25 August 2009

Rambling update, not quite pointless

For the third time I will start writing this blog entry, and I really hope I can finish it this time. The thing is, I used to write this stuff (somewhat) discreetly during work hours, and now my job has changed and it's not so easy to get away with any more. And also, because it's such an achingly monotonous job they let us listen to music on headphones. This means that if I'm hunched in the corner typing away with music on and my boss approaches and looks at my screen, I won't know she's there.

Right now my bosses are far away, so I'm in the clear. However, as it's been necessary to remove the headphones, I have been forced to listen to a very long and explicit conversation between a couple of co-workers, involving sexual conquests, lesbian encounters, quite seriously illegal virginity-loss and other hilarious and distracting personal information, freely bandied around by a vacuous slag and the alarmingly unsubtle slimy bastard attempting to shag her on a rebound of what sounds like three days. So yeah, I haven't got very far.

But anyway, I thought I'd share a few links this time round. I've been to a shitload of great gigs recently that I will get round to summarising eventually but for now, here is a list of better stuff to look at:

Angry Chair - This website fucking rocks. It's a huge directory of rapidshare links to some great underground and not-so-underground music, with over 2500 albums/EPs/demos/vinyl rips/tape rips etc. The most well-represented genres are stoner rock and doom metal, but there's all sorts of stuff there. And also it's where I found out about these guys:

Inferno - This band fucking rocks. They call themselves Sci Fi Grind 'n' Roll and I couldn't explain it better. There's some really catchy bits on this record, liberally peppered with fairly cheesy prog keyboards (that's the Sci Fi bit), but most of it sounds fairly extreme and more Converge-like. Except that Inferno sound like they're having more fun.

The Krankenhouse - This place fucking rocks. It was the venue for Rip This Joint's triumphant Summer alldayer last Saturday, and it's a converted nursing home that is now an art space/venue/semi-squat and general place of excellence. I could go on forever about how great that day was, but I'll just say that this is a very positive use for an otherwise derelict space and it's really worth going to if you have the chance.

NB. The urinal is made of a gutter, some perspex, a hosepipe and a sponge. Just a heads up.

Keepers of Metal - This website ist fucking krieg. It might be even bigger than Angry Chair actually, although it's in Spanish, cluttered, and full of spyware and dead links. However, it has a really spiffing collection of not-especially-famous extreme metal bands - the albums that you'd have to go to Resurrection Records in Camden and cross your fingers for - the bands that appear on the back of cutoff denim jackets that are far, far superior to your own.

As long as you can wait for the clunky bastard site to load and fend off a crash or five, this one's worth delving into. It's a nice opportunity to hear more horrible spiky-sounding bands like Behexen, Xasthur and Thorns if they eluded you the first time round (as they did me). Plus I now regret not buying Exhumed's 'Gore Metal' album when I was fifteen, because it fucking rips.

Anyway, I'll end with a few things I've learned since the last entry:

  • I should already own 'Gore Metal' by Exhumed by now.
  • If you think Bjork should be forced to smash a policeman's head in with a metal cash box and then get hanged for it, this is the film for you.
  • If you think Willem Defoe deserves to have his testicles shattered with a fucking great slab of rock, this is the film for you.
  • If you know you'll be spending the day in a squat, steal napkins beforehand.
  • Don’t stand anywhere near the band Monotonix if you have a drink in your hand. See below: